Saturday, February 14, 2015

How do they stay healthy anyway?


   -vaccinations: influenza and pneumococcal: reduce viral infections
   -unfortunately... set limitations for proximity to other CF patients reduces exchange of infection




there are different methods of shaking up the chest walls to break free that THICK, STICKY MUCUS from the chest walls

-Chest percussion and drainage: physical slapping on with hands on different parts of the chest

Details from Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: You can Percuss to!

-external percussion vest (does the slapping for you and makes you an incredible singer)

-airway oscillating devices

if > 6 years old...

Other therapies:

NEWEST and COOLEST fighting at the CORE of the problem! 

Ivafactor:  (a CFTR modulator) 150 mg every 12 hours by mouth
              -restores function of the mutant CF protein at the base!
              -improves chloride movement
              -reduces pulmonary exacerbations
              -improves cough clearance!  (helps COUGH IT OUT!)

  **only works on specific mutations so genotyping is needed

Nebulizers:  inhaled medications

      mucolytics: Mucus busters
      hypertonic saline: draws water into airways to thin mucus and COUGH IT OUT!
      bronchodilators: open up airways before chest physiotherapy

Antibiotic Therapies:  dependent on the type of bacterial infection, give after Chest Physiotherapy

                    *popular antibiotics for popular infections

AZITHROMYCIN: an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic 
                            -research shows chronic usage improved chronic cough and lung function!

for P. aeruginosa bacteria
      -Tobramycin or gentamycin (aminoglycides) 
      -"Cillins": penicillin, amoxicillin, Cephalosporin, Carbopenams (beta-lactams) 

Intravenous antibiotics for treating exacerbations of cystic fibrosis 
chronic high does ibuprofen: new research proven helpful if CF lung function > 60%
Other choices for more severe CF:

-supplemental oxygen
-BiPAP: to help with difficulty expanding chest walls (positive pressure ventilation)
-Lung Transplant: contraindicated for patients < 12 y.o.
                            -none for infection with Burkholderia gladioli


may also need to treat for CF-related:
    -nutritional deficiencies: provide enzymes, tube feeding
    -diabetes: insulin management
    -osteoporosis: exercise or calcium supplements


Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Home. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2015, from

Simon, R. (2014, December 18). Cystic fibrosis: Overview of the treatment of lung disease. Retrieved February 14, 2015, from fibrosis treatment&selectedTitle=1~150

Seattle Children's Hospital Policies and Procedures: Cystic Fibrosis Pathway

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